DV2025 Talihlileri DV2025 Green Card Çekiliş Aşamaları konusunu inceleyip sorularını yine bu konuda sormalılar!
Üyelik oluşturma ve foruma giriş konusunda sorun yaşayan üyelerimiz [email protected] adresine email gönderebilirler!

  • Merhaba arkadaşlar,

    Dv Talihlisi eşime eeoc.gov'dan şöyle bir mail gelmiş. Daha önce amerika'da bulunmadık ve herhangi bir mülakat gerçekleştirmedik. Sizce neden gelmiş olabilir bu mail?

    From: [email protected] [email protected]
    Date: 2018-03-09 1:17 GMT+03:00
    Subject: Cognizant Hiring Practices- Federal Discrimination Investigation
    To: *******************

    The United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is investigating Cognizant's policies and/or practices related to race or national origin. The EEOC is the U.S. government agency responsible for enforcing federal laws against employment discrimination, including Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended (“Title VII”). You are receiving this email because the EEOC received information from Cognizant that, as an applicant applying sometime between January 1, 2014 and the present, you may have been affected by its policies or practices.

    To determine how Cognizant's practices related to hiring may have impacted you, the EEOC is requesting your help. You will find a link to an electronic survey below. This survey asks about race/national origin and your application process with Cognizant. Your responses are important to our investigation.

    To begin the survey, click the link below. The survey will take less than 10 minutes to complete. Please submit your response as soon as possible, but no later than March 23rd.

    • Please do not take this survey during work hours or on company-supplied equipment.

    Click here for survey

    Questions you might have regarding this message:

    Why Participate in Our Investigation?

    To help us determine whether your (and others) employment rights were violated by Cognizant as covered by Title VII.

    What are Your Rights?

    Any information you give the EEOC during our investigation will be held in confidence. If the EEOC finds Cognizant in violation of Title VII, and in order to secure appropriate remedies for victims, some of your information may be disclosed to Cognizant.

    It is a violation of federal law for any current or former employer to retaliate against you because you have participated in an EEOC investigation.

    You can confirm that this message is from the government by calling an EEOC representative at 973-776-8046 or sending an email to [email protected]

    If you need an accommodation to participate in the survey, please call 973-776-8046.

    We thank you very much for your time.


    Dana Marucci
    Federal Investigator
    U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

  • ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


    "You are receiving this email because the EEOC received information from Cognizant that, as an applicant applying sometime between January 1, 2014 and the present, you may have been affected by its policies or practices."

    Cognizant diye bir firmaya is basvurusu yapmissiniz, veya yapmak uzere web sitesinden hesap acmissiniz. Bu firmanin esitsizlik ile ilgili uygulamalarindan olumsuz etkilenmis olabilirsiniz diye bir sorusturma yurutuluyor. Muhtemelen basvuru yapan herkese bu mesaj gitmistir.

    *Pardon, bu firma sanirim federal hukumet icin sorusturmayi yonetiyor.

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