DV2025 Talihlileri DV2025 Green Card Çekiliş Aşamaları konusunu inceleyip sorularını yine bu konuda sormalılar!
Üyelik oluşturma ve foruma giriş konusunda sorun yaşayan üyelerimiz [email protected] adresine email gönderebilirler!

  • Merhaba,

    1 buçuk aydır beklediğim orijinal Mahkeme evrağım bugun bana kargo ile geldi. Kağıdı kargo paketine korunmasız şekilde ve hiç kenarlarda alan olmayacak biçimde koymuşlar. zarftan cıkartırken malesef sayfanın köşesi ucundan biraz yırtıldı. Yapıştırma vs yapmadım. Poşet dosyaya koyarak, fotokopisinde kargo zarfına koyarak konsolosluğa diğer evraklar ile beraber gönderdim. Yırtılan yer İmzalı kaşeli alanda değil, sayfanın en alt köşesinde 2-3 cm kadar. Sizce geçersiz olur mu? Sorun olur mu? Nasıl böyle bir hata oldu, gerçekten çok üzgünüm. Acaba bir bilgi e-maili atmalı mıyım?

  • ⭐⭐⭐

    @Aycadan kargodan kaynaklı sorun yaşanabiliyor bunu pek problem etmezler

  • @waterman insallah dediginiz gibi olur, yani bilgilerin oldugu alanda bi sknti yok. Bos bir alanda oldu ufak bir yirtik. Ins sorun etmesinler, uzun uzun bekletmesinler. Bu son kisim hizli olsun bi nebze..
    sagolun yorum icin

  • 9 haziranda vize basılı pasaportumu teslim aldım, darısı bekleyen herkese emeği geçen yardımcı olan herkese çok teşekkür ederim.İNŞAALLAH Amerikada ki tecrübelerimide yazmak nasip olur başarılar dilerim.

  • Merhaba arkadaşlar, eksik evrağımı konsolosluğa göndermiştim. Pazartesi ellerine ulaştı, bugün sayfada güncelleme olmuş. Resufed olan statüm Approved olmuş. Yazı aşağıdaki gibi.. Vizem ne zaman gelir sizce? Bu idari işleme kalmadan vize alacağım anlamına mı geliyor?


    The consular officer has approved your application subject to final processing by the consular section that is necessary to issue your visa. When that processing is complete, the status will change to "Issued". However, a final screening step must still be completed prior to issuance that could lead a consular officer to conclude that you are not eligible for a visa. If that occurs, the consular officer will notify you that your application has been denied and your status will change to "Refused".
    For more information, please visit U.S. Embassy Ankara."

  • @Hormek hayırlı olsun darısı bana olsun

  • “DOS Adopts New Technology and Enhanced Coordination to Streamline Administrative Processing Security Screenings
    May 31, 2023 Paola Calero
    As part of the visa application process at Embassies, applicants are subject to a background screening process. In accordance with Department of State (“DOS”) procedures the consular officer may determine that “additional information from sources other than the applicant may help establish an applicant’s eligibility for a visa” requiring “administrative processing.”

    The catch all “administrative processing” is a term that encompasses a variety of reasons for the delay in issuance of the visa. Having an application fall into the “administrative processing” category brings the visa processing clock to a standstill. The term may mean that there is a need for DOS to conduct additional background checks or security clearances. It could also mean that the applicant must obtain a waiver, or there is a need for further examination of an applicant’s educational or professional credentials. Or it could simply mean that DOS has not received the paperwork it needs from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (“USCIS”). Unfortunately, the applicant is rarely provided details or how it can be resolved in a timely manner. As such administrative processing could stretch to six months and in some cases, even years.

    Fortunately, on May 19, 2023, DOS announced its latest effort to streamline the security screening of visa applicants. DOS will now be using new technology and enhanced coordination between the agencies to “reduce the number of visa applications that require administrative processing on security grounds”, whilst upholding “strict national security protections.” DOS reports it has reduced dramatically, the number of visa applicants who wait for administrative processing by coordinating with other federal agencies through the National Vetting Center.

    Given extensive security screenings are a regular part of the visa application process, DOS notes that since adopting the new vetting process in October 2022 most cases that would have required additional administrative processing by consular officers were able to be “resolved immediately without additional, time-consuming handling.” This is exciting news as international summer travel gears up and many must obtain new visa stamps to travel to the US.” -Alinti-

    Mayis 19’da DOS Ap durumuyla ilgili bir duyuruda bulunmus. Kurumlar arasi sistemlerin, database’lerin yenilendiginden ve surecin kisalacagindan bahsetmis.

  • Greetings all, does anyone know how long it takes to hear back after filing a mandamus lawsuit? Thank you

  • Merhaba!

    Sorry, I am new here and also a do not know any Turkish.

    My husband (J1) and I (J2) have received an e-mail that our administrative processing has been completed and we should send our passports and forms.

    We traveled to Ankara and send our documents to U.S. Embassy Ankara a week ago but since then the status (CEAS) has not been updated.

    Please, if you have been in the same situation, write how long did you wait for your visa to be issued and passports delivered?

    I wish you all the best!


  • ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    @Valeria-Kaneva, içinde söyledi: FY2023 & FY2024 Background Check & NNCP (AP durumu / İdari işlem)


    Sorry, I am new here and also a do not know any Turkish.

    My husband (J1) and I (J2) have received an e-mail that our administrative processing has been completed and we should send our passports and forms.

    We traveled to Ankara and send our documents to U.S. Embassy Ankara a week ago but since then the status (CEAS) has not been updated.

    Please, if you have been in the same situation, write how long did you wait for your visa to be issued and passports delivered?

    I wish you all the best!


    Please give them ~2 weeks for this, it is too early to think something is wrong with your case. Additionally, Monday and Tuesday were federal holidays in the US due to the 4th of July, and consulates are not working when it is a federal holiday. After your visa is issued, it usually takes less than 1 week to get the passports back.

  • ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    @Aycadan, içinde söyledi: FY2023 & FY2024 Background Check & NNCP (AP durumu / İdari işlem)

    @waterman insallah dediginiz gibi olur, yani bilgilerin oldugu alanda bi sknti yok. Bos bir alanda oldu ufak bir yirtik. Ins sorun etmesinler, uzun uzun bekletmesinler. Bu son kisim hizli olsun bi nebze..
    sagolun yorum icin

    yirtik bos alanda oldugu icin sorun olacagini sanmiyorum.

  • @crazycells Thank you!

  • ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    @dpdemir, içinde söyledi: FY2023 & FY2024 Background Check & NNCP (AP durumu / İdari işlem)

    “DOS Adopts New Technology and Enhanced Coordination to Streamline Administrative Processing Security Screenings
    May 31, 2023 Paola Calero
    As part of the visa application process at Embassies, applicants are subject to a background screening process. In accordance with Department of State (“DOS”) procedures the consular officer may determine that “additional information from sources other than the applicant may help establish an applicant’s eligibility for a visa” requiring “administrative processing.”

    The catch all “administrative processing” is a term that encompasses a variety of reasons for the delay in issuance of the visa. Having an application fall into the “administrative processing” category brings the visa processing clock to a standstill. The term may mean that there is a need for DOS to conduct additional background checks or security clearances. It could also mean that the applicant must obtain a waiver, or there is a need for further examination of an applicant’s educational or professional credentials. Or it could simply mean that DOS has not received the paperwork it needs from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (“USCIS”). Unfortunately, the applicant is rarely provided details or how it can be resolved in a timely manner. As such administrative processing could stretch to six months and in some cases, even years.

    Fortunately, on May 19, 2023, DOS announced its latest effort to streamline the security screening of visa applicants. DOS will now be using new technology and enhanced coordination between the agencies to “reduce the number of visa applications that require administrative processing on security grounds”, whilst upholding “strict national security protections.” DOS reports it has reduced dramatically, the number of visa applicants who wait for administrative processing by coordinating with other federal agencies through the National Vetting Center.

    Given extensive security screenings are a regular part of the visa application process, DOS notes that since adopting the new vetting process in October 2022 most cases that would have required additional administrative processing by consular officers were able to be “resolved immediately without additional, time-consuming handling.” This is exciting news as international summer travel gears up and many must obtain new visa stamps to travel to the US.” -Alinti-

    Mayis 19’da DOS Ap durumuyla ilgili bir duyuruda bulunmus. Kurumlar arasi sistemlerin, database’lerin yenilendiginden ve surecin kisalacagindan bahsetmis.

    elinize saglik. Bu, oldukca guzel bir haber...

    Bu habere gore, ozellikle bu basligin olusturulma amaci olan ve ek guvenlik sorusturmasi icin dosyasi "NVC"ye gonderilerek idari islemlere kalan kisilerin sayisinda ve idari isleme kalma suresinde azalma olmasini bekleyebiliriz.

    "administrative processing" genel bir kavram ve eksik bir belge oldugunda da konsolosluk dosyaya AP diyor, fakat bu eksikligin tamamlanmasi birkac hafta icinde gerceklesirken, NVC'ye giden dosyalarin aklanmasi aylarca ve bazen yillarca surebiliyor... dosyalarin NVC'ye gittigi ve aklanmasinin aylarda surebilecegi bu durumlarin sayisinda ve birimler arasi iletisimin hizlandirilmasindan dolayi NVC'de gecirdikleri surelerde azalma bekleyebiliriz...

  • @crazycells Umarim bu aciklamanin pratikte de sonuclarini bir an evvel gorebiliriz. Ben halen bekliyorum cunku.

  • @Valeria-Kaneva Hi! How long has your administrative processing been completed?

  • @Azer-Huseynov tebrikler, yolunuz açık olsun.

  • @dpdemir Hi!

    26/05/2023 - date of the interview
    23/06/2023 - we received an email that administrative processing had been completed
    03/07/2023 - the day we sent our documents (the first working day of the PTT after holidays)

  • @Valeria-Kaneva Thanks for the details. Our interview date was 25/05/2023. My husband’s and my son’s visa have been issued. I’m still waiting for my visa. I hope, my process will be completed soon.

  • @Valeria-Kaneva by the way Congrats for your visa. The reason of your administrative process missing document or just administrative processing (yellow sheet)?

  • @dpdemir Thank you! Administrative processing for my husband (J1)... But also they asked for my CV for some reason and I sent it via e-mail.

    Good luck! Hope the good news are coming soon for you 🙏

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