DV2025 Talihlileri DV2025 Green Card Çekiliş Aşamaları konusunu inceleyip sorularını yine bu konuda sormalılar!
Üyelik oluşturma ve foruma giriş konusunda sorun yaşayan üyelerimiz [email protected] adresine email gönderebilirler!

  • 27500 le 29 arasinda cok fazla real dosya vardi sanirim ek vize verseler bile bu araligi gecemez bence

  • arkadaşlar açıklanacak kaç tane ceac verisi kaldı?

  • @metert 6 günde bir açıklaniyor . 2 tane kalmıştır büyük ihtimal

  • Saka maka 2 hafta sonra her sey bitecek iyi veya kötü.kotu olursa bi bosluga dusecegim herhalde 1 yildir beklemekten aliskanlik yapti.insallah guzel olur insallah

  • Bende öyle büyük çöküş olur . Biriktirdiğimiz dollari yeriz tek avantajı o :)))

  • @yekta sen gidiyon rahat ol

  • @metert 25 bini bulur mu harbi ? Benim 800 lerde biliyon

  • Olacak olacak . Sen bizim icin dua et . Gelmeyecek bana , gorunen koy klavuz istemez maalesef 😞

  • @metert inş hepimiz gideriz off son 12 gün :((

  • Bu sene AF.den başqa AS.den de (İrandan dolayı ) fazla verilmemiş vize kalacak. İnşallah o vizeleri de EU.ya dağıtırlar

  • @yekta sen neden korkuyorsun onu anlamıram abi )) bence sen şimdiden documentleri toplamağa başla kardeş

  • Ruslar forumda hic yorum yapmiyorlar ,dunya kupasiyla mesguller sanirim 🙂

  • @metert Hi, I'm from Russian forum. We've seen your message guys, we also discussed an idea to send email messages to KCC asking them to redistribute extra visas to EU region from AF, AS, NACARA. Many of us have sent such email and got standard replies. Your message on forum came after this discussion, so there were no comments on it, because this wasn't something new.

    My number is 27xxx and I haven't lost hope. All depends on redistribution, and nobody knows how KCC will behave. I wish all of us good luck!

  • @Ross Мы рады Вас видеть на этом форуме. Будем надеяться что предстоящие ответы на 13 –ое июля для всех нас будут благоприятные. Я сам из Азербайджана , мой кейс номер 32к. Даже я до сих пор не теряю надежду на положительный результат ))

  • @ross Здравствуй ross. we are glad to see you here. What we think is not different from Russian forum. There are too many scenarios and nobody knows what the scenario writers are thinking. We all hope that it will be a high number. it means that many people are happy.. Thank you for joining us and sharing your thoughts.

  • @Ross hi.first of all "welcome " after the emails, We got same replies to. And you are right ,we can't doing anyhthing without waiting .I'm still trying to protect my hope but sometimes I am losing my hope.just wait and see! 😉

  • Thanks guys for warm welcome:) Our audience has been split into optimists and pessimists. Pessimists have already given up and stopped to comment, they think that the final cut off will be around 23k-24k, they also believe that quota for EU is 18300 as was calculated by BritSimon or 19500 as was further calculated by dv4roger, and it will not be increased. But optimistic guys believe that KCC and VO aim to give visas as closer to 50k as possible and all needed conditions for redistribution have been created, means that AS and AF went current and before publication of last visa bulletin KCC will know how many visas they can share with EU. I personally believe in a big step in the next bulletin. Let's wait and see and keep our fingers crossed 🙂

    Cheers from Russia!

  • @Ross I worried about only 1 month left. Is it enough , I don't know .this year all countries living best year whitout eu 😞 . I hope they will do best for us . Also success in the world cup!

  • ⭐⭐

    Forumun dili mi değişti ?

  • @arnblt hahahahaha

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