DV2025 Talihlileri DV2025 Green Card Çekiliş Aşamaları konusunu inceleyip sorularını yine bu konuda sormalılar!
Üyelik oluşturma ve foruma giriş konusunda sorun yaşayan üyelerimiz [email protected] adresine email gönderebilirler!

  • @crazycells, içinde söyledi: Coronavirus nedeniyle verilen iş yeri kredileri ve yardımları

    Coronavirus dolayisiyla olusturulan yasalar nedeniyle kucuk isyerlerine yardim ve krediler verilecek (independent contractors, self-employed ve freelancers dahil). Basvurulari US Small Business Administration'a web siteleri uzerinden yapabilirsiniz:

    Coronavirus Funding Options

    Our nation's small businesses are facing an unprecedented economic disruption due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. On Friday, March 27, 2020, the President signed into law the CARES Act, which contains $376 billion in relief for American workers and small businesses.

    Notice: Now Accepting New Applications for Economic Injury Disaster Loans and Advance: On June 15, SBA will begin accepting new Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) and EIDL Advance applications from all eligible small businesses and U.S. agricultural businesses. To learn more about eligibility and apply, click here.

    EIDL applicants who have already submitted their applications will continue to be processed on a first-come, first-served basis.

    To learn more about the relief options available for your business, click here.

    Paycheck Protection Program (ilgili resmi sayfa)

    This loan program provides loan forgiveness for retaining employees by temporarily expanding the traditional SBA 7(a) loan program.

    EIDL Loan Advance (ilgili resmi sayfa)

    This loan advance will provide up to $10,000 of economic relief to businesses that are currently experiencing temporary difficulties.

    SBA Express Bridge Loans (ilgili resmi sayfa)

    Enables small businesses who currently have a business relationship with an SBA Express Lender to access up to $25,000 quickly.

    SBA Debt Relief (ilgili resmi sayfa)

    The SBA is providing a financial reprieve to small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Daha once onaylanan Coronavirus yardimlari soyle:
    (su konuda da ozetlemistim):

    Ilk yardim paketi - 6 Mart 2020

    Trump, 8.3 milyar dolarlik yardim paketini yasalastirdi, bu para tum eyaletlere ve arastirma enstitulerine halk sagligini korumak ve coronavirus ile mucadele icin verildi. Paranin buyuk bir bolumu tedavi arastirmalari ve eyaletlerin ilac satin almalari icin harcandi.


    Ikinci yardim paketi - 18 Mart 2020

    The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), bu da 100 milyar dolarlik yardim paketi... Bu da tum eyaletlerdeki issizlik maasi, ucretli izinler, yemek yardimlari, hastalik testleri ve saglik hizmet sektoru calisanlarinin korunmasi icin harcandi...

    Ucuncu yardim paketi - CARES Act

    Bu, bildigimiz ve forumda sikca konustugumuz 2.3 trilyon dolarlik CARES Act...

    ilgili forum konusu:

    500 milyar - buyuk sirketlere
    130 milyar - hastahanelere
    150 milyar - eyalet ve yerel hukumetlere
    367 milyar - kucuk isyerlerine
    25 milyar - havayolu sirketlerine

    Geri kalan ise halka 1200 dolarlik yardim ve issiz kalanlara haftalik +600 dolar icin harcandi...

    Burada kucuk isletmeler icin ayrilan butceye tekrar odaklanmak lazim... Cunku kucuk isletmeler icin "Paycheck Protection Plan" da denilen bu 350 milyar doalrlik kredi programi 500'den az calisana sahip olan is yerlerinin ortalama bordro tutarinin 2.5 kati kadar kredi saglamak icin (maximum 10 milyon dolar) ayrildi. Yasada eger bu paranin en az %75'i maaslara aktarildigi surece kredilerin affedilecegi yazdigi icin, pek cok is yeri icin bu "free money" oldu ve zaten ilk gunde tum para tukendi...

    Uc bucukuncu yardim paketi

    Kucuk isyerlerine ayrilan fon ilk gun bittigi icin bu programa ekstra 484 milyar dolarlik ekleme yapildi... Bu, sadece yukaridakine kisa bir ekleme yoldugu icin buna 4. demiyorlar; 3.5 diyorlar... 🙂

    Dorduncu yardim paketi icin konusulan tasarilar:

    • Kucuk isletmeler icin ekstra bir program
    • insanlara aylik 2000 dolarlik yardim (1 yillik plan),
    • 2000 dolarlik debit card + aylik 1000 dolarlik yardim
    • 1 yillik kira/mortgage odememe ve kiralarin ertelenmesi

    Fakat bu tasarilarin hicbiri henuz yasalasmadi.

    not: su an icin konuyu "Gundem" kategorisinde olusturdum, fakat ilerde ABD'de Yasam bolumune tasiyacagim.

    ABD hukumetinin almis oldugu onemli salgin etkilerini giderme paketlerinden birisi. Eger kendi isyeriniz varsa veya kisisel olarak ticaret/is yapiyorsaniz, faydalanabilirsiniz. Geri odeme kolayliklari da oldukca iyi gorunuyor.

  • @crazycells başkanım doordas yapanlar başvurabiliyormu acaba yoksa geçtimi bende başvuru yapmak isterim

  • ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    @mardin47-47 sayin @mardin47-47 benim anladigim kadariyla "independent contractors" basvuru yapabiliyor bu grant'lar icin. Sizin de statunuz bu sanirim... O nedenle basvuru yapabilmeniz lazim...

    (yaniliyor muyum arkadaslar?)

  • @crazycells peki başkanım şahıs olarak nasıl başvuracağım beni bilgilendirebilecek acaba varmı şimdiden teşekkür ederim

  • ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    @mardin47-47, içinde söyledi: Coronavirus nedeniyle verilen iş yeri kredileri ve yardımları

    @crazycells peki başkanım şahıs olarak nasıl başvuracağım beni bilgilendirebilecek acaba varmı şimdiden teşekkür ederim

    siz isterseniz basvuru yapin, burada sorun, eminim diger arkadaslar yardimci olacaklardir... link olarak sunu buldum, buna da bir goz gezdirin isterseniz:

  • Büyük ihtimalle arkadaşın ki de öyle olacaktır ben iki gün önce başvurdum business ile ilgili şeyleri yanlış doldurmuşun herhalde onaylanmadı update edin deniyor doldurmadan önce onları nasıl dolduracaksınız onu bi öğrenmek gerekiyor ben de tam bilmiyorum business adı, adresi , ve telefonu vergi numarası ya da snn numarası, business sçılış tarhi gibi şeyler soruyor oralara ne yazmak gerekiyor ben de bilmiyorum seçerken ben de Independent seçtim. Eve gidince bir daha deneyeceğim bakalım.

  • Gelen mesaj da bu şekilde

    RE: COVID-19 EIDL Advance for SBA Disaster Loan Application Number: 111111111

    Dear Gokhan Demirez,

    We are reaching out in regards to your request for an EIDL advance as part of application number 111111111 We were unable to successfully verify and validate all of your information in order to process your advance. We would like to invite you to update your advance request with corrected information. Your EIDL loan application is still being processed separately. As a reminder, you do not have to be approved for a loan in order to receive the advance.

    It is very important to note that updates made to your advance resubmission will also be applied to your pending loan application.

    Please review the following instructions to ensure that we can successfully process your advance upon resubmission. It is very important that you double-check your information carefully before submitting. Some of the information may have been incorrect in your previous submission.

    Business Information

    Ensure that the legal name of your business is entered correctly and it matches your tax returns or other documentation from when your business was established; this would be your name in some cases such as a Sole Proprietorship or Independent Contractor where a separate business entity was not registered.
    Double check that the business address is correct and formatted correctly.
    Ensure the phone number is correct for your business.
    Your business tax ID (might be an EIN or an SSN) cannot be edited as it is one of the main identifiers of your business and your application.

    Bank Account Information

    Double check that your account number and routing number are correct. They should be located at the bottom of your checks, if available. Log into your online banking account and locate that information there or contact your bank for confirmation.
    Very importantly, make sure that the routing number provided is usable for ACH payments. Many applicants submitted routing numbers reserved for other types of payments which resulted in the inability to send them an advance.
    Bank name should be the official name of the bank; please contact your bank if you are unsure.
    Ensure you provide a checking account to facilitate the ACH payment.
    Double check that your account is still open and able to receive payments.
    We were unable to approve many advances because the bank account was not associated with the business applying. Before resubmitting, you must make sure that the bank account you are providing satisfies the following:
    Account is opened using your business legal name matching the values entered in the business information section.
    Account has your business address and phone number matching the values entered in the business information section.
    Account is opened using your business tax id (EIN or SSN if no EIN registered) matching the values entered in your initial application.
    Common reasons why the account validation might fail would be business name changed since opening the account, using a personal account for business, account being in someone else’s name such as a spouse or friend, reusing a bank account for multiple businesses.
    If you do not have a bank account that satisfies the criteria above, it is very likely that your advance reconsideration request will fail again; it is recommended to open a new bank account that is able to satisfy the requirements and submit your reconsideration request with that new bank account that is associated with your business.

  • @gkhanfeez aynı e postayı ben de az önce aldım.

  • @israfil, içinde söyledi: Coronavirus nedeniyle verilen iş yeri kredileri ve yardımları

    @gkhanfeez aynı e postayı ben de az önce aldım.

    Bana yine mesaj geldi hesap açtırmak için 15 bin dolar credi onu onayladım işleme alındı bekliyorum. 2-3 gün sürdü her şey belki pazartesi para yatar görecez bilgi vereceğim yine

  • Bana da ikinci e posta geldi, hesap aç diyor, 1000 dolar için hesap açmak gerekiyor mu?

  • @israfil ondan haberim yok 😊

  • Slm.Ben dün başvurdum.Fakat bana banka account bilgisinin ilgili duzenleme yapma gerektigini bildiren bir email geldi.Sanirım Business account olmadigi icin.Esimle ortak hesabimiz var.Hesap adinda onun da ismi bulunduğu için diye düşünüyorum.Tekrar güncelleme yapmam istendi.Acaba yeniden normal bir hesap mı açmam gerekli kendi adıma ?ya da Small Business account mu acmak lazim.?Bir de Fee ucreti almayan bankalar var ise paylasirsaniz sevinirim.Tesekkurler..

  • @Filiz-Nazlıcan-Kaya ben tekrar aynı hesabımı girdim kabul etti.

  • @Filiz-Nazlıcan-Kaya Beni hesap sizinki ile aynı her şeyi herhalde eşimle beraber ortak iş hesabı değil normal hesap başvurabildim bu hesapla daha onaylanmadı ama başvuru yapabildim

  • Kisaca ozetlemek gerekirse;

    Mayis ayinin basinda $1000 icin basvurumu yapmistim.

    15 haziranda $1000 onay e-maili geldi.

    16 haziranda kredi bilgilendirme e-maili aldim. Ayni aksam basvuruyu baslattim.

    18 haziranda green card orneklerim (bazi basvurulardan tax belgesi, ehliyet ornegi) istendi. Ayni gun e-mail ile istenilen bilgileri gonderdim. Yine gun icinde kredim onaylandi. Kredi bilgilerinin oldugu kullanici adi ve sifre ile girilen sayfadan e-sign islemini tamamladim.

    22 haziran sabahi kredi tutari hesabima yatirildi.

  • ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    @Anka gozunuz aydin, hayirli olsun 🙂

  • @Anka merhabalar ben bireysel olarak başvurdum ama hala ne bir onay nede bir eksik evrak email aldım acaba sorun mu oldu

  • @mardin47-47 yakin zamanda gelir diye tahmin ediyorum. Yeni basvurular belki biraz daha zaman alabilir.

  • @Anka peki kredi başvurusu için adınıza şirket olması lazım mı yoksa bireysel krediye başvuru oluyormu acaba teşekkürler

  • Ben Mayis sonu basvurmustum 15 Haziranda soyle bir eposta geldi. Bekliyorum...

    Disaster Assistance
    Application Processing Department
    [email protected]
    Dear Applicant,
    Great News! You are receiving this message as a notification that your application for the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) and EIDL Advance is being processed. You do not need to take any further action at this time. Application processing involves the following steps:
    EIDL Advance
    If you requested the Advance in your EIDL application, your request will be processed using the information you provided. The amount of your Advance is determined by the number of employees you indicated on your EIDL application at $1,000 per employee, up to a maximum of $10,000. As a reminder, the Advance does not have to be repaid, and you can receive an Advance even if you do not qualify for the loan.
    Once the information in your EIDL application is validated, your Advance will be deposited directly into your bank account in the next 7-10 days. If we are unable to validate your information and process your request, you will receive an email notification inviting you to update your business and bank information.
    EIDL Loan
    While your Advance is being processed, we will begin processing your EIDL application, which includes a credit check. If your EIDL application meets the eligibility requirements, you will receive an email inviting you to create an account in our customer portal. Please be sure to check your email account daily – including your spam or junk mail folders – to make sure you do not miss this important communication.
    It may take up to 2 weeks for your loan application to be processed. If your application is approved, you will receive your loan funds a few days after you electronically sign your loan closing documents.
    If your EIDL application is not approved, you will be notified by email. The email notification will explain the reason for your application was not approved and what steps you can take to request reconsideration of your loan application.
    We recognize the challenges your business is facing due to the massive disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, and SBA is here to support your business in many ways.
    The EIDL Loan is not the only option for small businesses and others impacted by the pandemic. You may be eligible for the Paycheck Protection Program, which is an SBA-guaranteed loan that you can apply for through participating lenders. Below is a comparison of both great loan programs. The best part is that you can apply for and receive financing for your business in both programs at the same time, as long as the loans are used for different purposes.
    Paycheck Protection Program Full EIDL Loan

    PURPOSE Forgivable if used for payroll (minimum of 60% of the funds received) and the remaining for certain operating expenses (amount of any EIDL advance is not forgivable) To meet financial obligations and operating expenses that could have been met had the disaster not occurred (amount of any EIDL Advance is forgiven)
    TERMS 1% interest rate 3.75% for businesses
    2.75% for non-profits
    YES – EIDL Advance
    MATURITY 5 years 30 years
    FIRST PAYMENT DUE Deferral period varies Deferred 1 year

    To locate a Paycheck Protection Program Lender, please visit: www.SBA.gov/PaycheckProtection.
    Additional information on available resources can be found at www.sba.gov/coronavirus. For more information on these services, please go to www.sba.gov/local-assistance to locate the email address and phone number for the nearest SBA district office and/or SBA's resource partners.
    No one knows better than the SBA how important small businesses like yours are to your family, your employees, your community and the economy of our country. We are here to support you and your business through this difficult time, and assist your business and the U.S. economy with growing and prospering – together.
    Please watch your email closely over the next two weeks for further personalized communication from the SBA and act promptly to take advantage of the great financing programs we are offering your business.
    The Federal Equal Credit Opportunity Act, 15 U.S.C. §1691, prohibits creditors from discrimination against credit applicants on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, age (provided that the applicant has the capacity to enter into a binding contract); because all or part of the applicant's income derives from any public assistance program; or because the applicant has in good faith exercised any right under the Consumer Protection Act. The Federal agency that administers compliance with this law concerning this creditor is the Consumer Response Center, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, D.C. 20580.
    U.S. Small Business Administration
    Disaster Assistance
    Application Processing Department
    [email protected]
    Hearing Impaired

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