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  • Merhaba,
    Emeği geçenlere teşekkürlerimi sunarım.

    Buradan edindiğim bilgiye göre mühendislik alanında, önce bir sınavla EIT (Engineer in Training) olunup 4 yıllık iş tecrübesi sonrasında da PE (Professional Engineer) sınavı alınarak üst seviyede profesyonel mühendis olunuyor.

    İncelediğim bazı eğitim ve iş forumlarında 2 yıl eğitim, sonra 4 yıl eğitim, sonra EIT ve PE sınavlarından bahsediyor, ayrıca bunlara paralel ya da üstü olarak master ve doktora eğitiminden bahsediliyor, kafam biraz karıştı.

    Şunu sormak istiyorum; Türkiye'de Lisans ve Yüksek Lisans yaptım. ABD'de bir üniversiteden doktora için kabul aldığım takdirde, mezuniyet sonrası Dr. Mühendis olarak sınavlara girmeden PE olarak çalışmak mümkün mü?

  • Hayır, mümkün değil.

    "I'd agree with OldEngr regarding when best to take the FE and PE but I think your question regards how they relate to higher degrees, specifically the MS and PhD. In short, they don't. The FE (used to be EIT - engineer in training) is just a stepping stone to getting a PE (professional engineer) license. But you don't need a PE for the vast majority of engineering work. The PE is only for specific duties such as signing documents requiring a PE license, usually documents that are required by local government offices. If you work for a company designing products for example, you typically don't need a PE license. If you are selling 'engineering' services to the public however, it is likely you will need one. The vast majority of engineers I know work for a company, don't sell their services outside that company and therefore don't need and don't have a PE license. However, those companies will also typically have a handful of engineers with a PE license that can sign off on documentation especially with local government agencies such as permits that towns, cities and counties require. An MS or PhD is simply a higher level of education. You don't need a PE license to get your MS or PhD and similarly, if you have an MS or PhD, you are not automatically granted a PE so you don't have the legal rights that a PE has. With an MS or PhD, you will still need to obtain a PE if you are going to do work in the public domain but just like a BS in engineering, you don't necessarily need one. If you are a student working towards an MS or PhD, you generally won't be able to obtain a PE license since a PE license requires that you first obtain an FE and then have a certain number of years experience working in an engineering position along side a PE before you are allowed to take the exam. Also, each state has their own requirements and a PE in one state does not allow you to act as a PE in another state."

    Reference https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/pe-vs-ms-vs-phd.589600/

  • @StarWars HAYIR

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