DV2025 Talihlileri DV2025 Green Card Çekiliş Aşamaları konusunu inceleyip sorularını yine bu konuda sormalılar!
Üyelik oluşturma ve foruma giriş konusunda sorun yaşayan üyelerimiz [email protected] adresine email gönderebilirler!

  • @jade ben üyeyim eğer çevirisini buraya yazarsan Kopyala yapiştır yapabilirim

  • @jade salam. onların artk 90 %i mektuplarını göndermişler. Ben rus dilini bildiyim üçün greencard.by forumuna girirəm hər gün , ancak hemin sitede registered olmadım henüz. Ben özüm henüz göndere bilmedim emaili. En son iyi yazılış formasını yenidən paylaşın pls. Yarın ben de göndərəcəm

  • ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    @azeusa Sayılar ile DV 2018 içinde söyledi:

    @jade salam. onların artk 90 %i mektuplarını göndermişler. Ben rus dilini bildiyim üçün greencard.by forumuna girirəm hər gün , ancak hemin sitede registered olmadım henüz. Ben özüm henüz göndere bilmedim emaili. En son iyi yazılış formasını yenidən paylaşın pls. Yarın ben de göndərəcəm

    Dear DV2018 lottery program fellows who have high case numbers in Europe region, we have written this kind letter to KCC just for them to know that we are here, waiting and looking forward to see August visa bulletin. You can use this template to let KCC know you are also waiting to hear good news next month. We know this is unlikely to have any effect, but we thought sending this letter is still better than waiting and not doing anything. At least at the end of DV2018 program, we could tell ourselves that we have tried what we can. Please feel free to add, delete or modify sentences and expressions in the letter depend on your mood and thoughts. Please send this email to: [email protected]


    Dear Sir/Madam,
    We are writing this letter to you as FY2018 Diversity Visa Program Selectees from European Region, and would like to kindly express our thoughts regarding your decisions that will shape our future.

    It was one of the memorable and happiest moments of our lives when we did find out that we have been selected for 2018 Diversity Visa Program for a chance to immigrate to the United States. Unfortunately, we all have EU region case numbers above 23.325, which is the cut off number announced for the month of August. There is only one month –September– left for DV2018 program to conclude and we are hoping to get our cases to be allowed for further processing in September and wishing that as many of us as possible will get chance to immigrate from Europe to United States.

    We are aware not all selectees will get chance for visa interviews. During the past one year, we have been glued to our computers each month for visa bulletin announcements to see our cases are allocated a visa number. This year, many regions seem to have luckier year compared to European region, we are aware each year monthly cut-off numbers does not have to follow similar trend, but we are worried to see many regions to go “current” in visa bulletin but not European region and hoping to see good news in August bulletin, which will be the last chance for us.

    We know there are 50.000 DV visas available this year and of course we do not know currently how many visas have been given so far in the program and how many are left. And we are aware that you are making what you need to do according to laws and also know that you are trying to distribute all available visa numbers in each region with some priorities, in order to meet program expectations.

    This year, we felt that some people who are given chance to continue diversity visa processing might be still undecided whether to immigrate or not, might be preferring not to continue their applications or for other reasons they might not get visas independent of their intention; we assume for those people that their cases remain open until there is a clear decision given by Consular Officers. We are afraid this unknown situation or possibility may affect cut-off number that will be announced next month dramatically and at the end with all unfinished cases, program expectations will not be fulfilled since less than 50.000 visas will be distributed overall. As you can guess, this is our fear since this will result in some of us losing chance to get visa interview although there might be available visas in the program.

    We believe it is pretty fair to select more people than visa numbers since not all will be eligible for visas. And we believe this is done to maximize distributed visa numbers that are available and use all of them if possible. We are a group of highly motivated people, and very eager to immigrate to the United States, and we are meeting simple but strict eligibility requirements for DV program and we are from European Countries with low rates of immigration to the United States. And we would like as many of us as possible to get visas and immigrate to the United States.

    We have seen Diversity Visa statistics that belong to previous years on DOS official website, and realized that by courtesy of Kentucky Consular Center there have been years where more than 50.000 visas have been used for the program. We also have seen DV2018 instructions regarding maximum visa numbers available on the page 15 of the official DV 2018 instructions document, where it was indicated that law allows up to 55.000 visas to be used by Diversity Visa program, for which up to 5000 of 55.000 could be used for NACARA (Nicaraguan Adjustment and Central American Relief Act). We have indicated our concerns about the situation that not all available visas will be used for the program, therefore we are wondering whether these 5000 visas could be used this year for DV program and could be distributed to European region. From “Yearbook of Immigration Statistics” which is available on DHS official website, we could see that in recent years there have been less than 1000 visas used for NACARA program and we are deducing that the situation will be similar if not the same this year. Since immigration laws let these 5000 visas could be used for DV, with our limited knowledge, we are thinking that by courtesy of Kentucky Consular Center using these 5000 visas allocated for NACARA might compensate undistributed visa numbers for waiting cases and these visas might give flexibility to Consular Officers to decide on open cases and reduce the visa numbers that could be unused otherwise. Therefore, program could reach its purpose by allowing 50.000 people to immigrate US.

    Please be aware that we just want you –as KCC– to know that we are here, waiting patiently and looking forward to see the cut-off number that will be announced in “Visa Bulletin For August 2018”. We are not trying to make a different point, we are not trying to point out any mistake or misregulation, we are not trying to teach anyone anything, we have no other intensions but what is indicated in the first a few sentences of this letter. We hope to see as many of us as possible could get visa appointments next month.

    Thank you very much,
    Kind Regards,

    XXXXX(Name Surname)
    XXXXX(Date of birth)
    XXXXX(Case number)

    We have used these websites to get information and extract data:

  • @yekta @crazycells eklemis benden once. 🙂

  • @azeusa onlar da KCCye bir mail gonderdilerse zaten guzel. @yekta bunu da eklersen, gondersinler bunu da bence. Zarar gelmez, azcik cok bunalir KCC maillerden 🙂

  • @azeusa ben ce de.. insallah! burda en opitimist olan bizis..

  • alt metni

  • @periscope DRate’leri biraz düşük hesaplamış, 2.20 nin üzerinde 2.30 civarı gerçekleşiyor. O da 200’e yakın issue demek.

  • @periscope hesaplamaya gore 28200'e kadar geliyor yani oyle mi:( bu arada forum uyeleerinde 28binlerde bir yogunluk goruyorum.

  • EU dan 19.500 kişi alınırsa 28.200 e geliyor sıra. Öyle hesaplamış.

  • alt metni

  • Bu ay EU_da artım bir az fazla oldu deyesen. 01 Haziran tarihine issued sayısı 13 734, 27 haziran tarihinə isə issued sayısı 15 176. 1442 sayda artım olmuş ve verilen vize sayısı bu ay EU için.

  • @periscope bu en iyi ihtimal mi en kötü ihtimal mi ?

  • 28200 diyorlarda gecen ayinkinede 25200 diyorlardi 23325 geldi . Yani inandirici gelmiyor bende 28200 e gore 100 le giriyorum bunun bide yanilma payi var olmaz muhtemelen bana bu hesaplama tutsa bile

  • @metert Mənim case nömrəm 28000-lərdə olsaydı əgər çoktan almışdım Amerikaya biletimi ))

  • Yok azeusa keske oyle olsa . Bu aralik cok yogun aralik buralarda bitmesi muhtemel :((

  • @metert bazen evde öz özümə düşünürəm ki, əgər mənim kısmetimde Amerikaya getmək varsa case numberim lap 100 000 de olsa mən gedəcəm ora.

  • @crazycells çox sağ olun. Mən də bugün sizin bizlər üçün hazırladığınız mektubu göndərdim artık KCC-yə. İnşallah 15 Temmuzda final bulletende faydasını görürüz .

  • @periscope bu tabloya göre 19500 issued için 17078 real id gerekiyor. Oran 1,14 bu durumda. Geçen sene ile Correlasyonda 1,1 gibi bir beklentimiz vardı. Yine de bu CN'e yakın arkadaşlar için kötü bir gelişme değil.

  • ruslara mail çağrısı yaptım umarım yanlışlıkla hakaret falan etmemişimdir adamlarA :)))

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