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  • I think it is just that time to start a new topic about writing in English. This may end up helping people learn more and improve better or otherwise make their minds blurry about what they already know.

    It all started once upon a time when Cem Yilmaz said "Let me tell you something" 😃

  • Well, most of the time people are having problems in writing and expressing themselves even in Turkish. I hope this topic helps them to develop themselves!!

  • @sigmoidalmammal That's right. But without trying, you can't simply achieve anything. I believe that writing helps a lot and that's why most English teachers assign daily journals or papers to their students.

  • Just look at @sir-altan !! All he does is to write about his life in Australia and he loves it. His writing is nice and clear. Once you start reading, you want to read them all and finish. 🙂

  • @MySea, içinde söyledi: Writing in English

    @sigmoidalmammal That's right. But without trying, you can't simply achieve anything. I believe that writing helps a lot and that's why most English teachers assign daily journals or papers to their students.

    @MySea I totally agree with you. I am up for it if help needs be.

  • ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    @MySea, içinde söyledi: Writing in English

    I think it is just that time to start a new topic about writing in English. This may end up helping people learn more and improve better or otherwise make their minds blurry about what they already know.

    It all started once upon a time when Cem Yilmaz said "Let me tell you something" 😃

    Great idea! Thanks for the topic.

  • Food for thought:

    7 things negative people will do to you.
    They will...

    1. Demean your value
    2. Destroy your image
    3. Drive you crazily
    4. Dispose your dreams
    5. Discredit your imagination
    6. Deframe your abilities
    7. Disbelieve your opinions

    So, stay away from negative people!

  • I really urge everyone in this forum to start writing and show some effort to get better at it. Also, there's an extension helping people write properly. Not only it fixes the grammar mistakes, but also it shows you the alternative/better words depending on your sentence. If I'm not mistaken, even most of the law enforcement officers use it in the US.

  • did you live your life like the candle in the wind..
    go ahead make my day....famous word

  • @kaanvercetti Pretty good and helpful point for proper writing skills.

    Formal writing is very different than informal writing in English. That's why academic writing at schools are insisted as major parts of homework assignments.

  • This is a sample writing from an elementary school kid:

    If I were a popsicle, I would melt or I would be eaten. I would be red, blue and violet purple or other colors. I want to be a popsicle but I like being a person. Do you want to be a popsicle? Yes or no?

  • An example of writing to read:

    Suddenly, I got that strange feeling that someone was hurriedly coming towards me on this muddy sidewalk as if he had been following me for a long time. Perhaps, since I left home this morning, who knows! There are some great moments in life that you follow your instincts and you want to trust them. Most of the time they indeed come true. Is it a coincidence? Probably not. To hesitate when making a decision is a basic weakness that sometimes happens to me. I can’t overcome this feeling. Perhaps the root cause for this behavior lays in the depths of my childhood. It could be a long story that I don’t really want to deal with a psychologist to go over my childhood memories and remove the dusty curtain that hides some unhealable wounds, which did actually a great job so far. Those wounds are the ones that might be causing all those troubles affecting my ability to make great and refreshing decisions and pushing me to these miserable moments of life. Face up with them and live free! Am I brave enough to do it?

  • @crazycells, içinde söyledi: Writing in English

    @MySea, içinde söyledi: Writing in English

    I think it is just that time to start a new topic about writing in English. This may end up helping people learn more and improve better or otherwise make their minds blurry about what they already know.

    It all started once upon a time when Cem Yilmaz said "Let me tell you something" 😃

    Great idea! Thanks for the topic.

    How can I say Reyiz in english ? :))

  • to many white chief but not enough indian

  • ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    @Masda, içinde söyledi: Writing in English

    @crazycells, içinde söyledi: Writing in English

    @MySea, içinde söyledi: Writing in English

    I think it is just that time to start a new topic about writing in English. This may end up helping people learn more and improve better or otherwise make their minds blurry about what they already know.

    It all started once upon a time when Cem Yilmaz said "Let me tell you something" 😃

    Great idea! Thanks for the topic.

    How can I say Reyiz in english ? :))

    I guess "bozz" will work the same way "reyiz" does...

  • @crazycells, içinde söyledi: Writing in English

    @Masda, içinde söyledi: Writing in English

    @crazycells, içinde söyledi: Writing in English

    @MySea, içinde söyledi: Writing in English

    I think it is just that time to start a new topic about writing in English. This may end up helping people learn more and improve better or otherwise make their minds blurry about what they already know.

    It all started once upon a time when Cem Yilmaz said "Let me tell you something" 😃

    Great idea! Thanks for the topic.

    How can I say Reyiz in english ? :))

    I guess "bozz" will work the same way "reyiz" does...

    Hahaha, nice one 😂

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