@tumutu, içinde söyledi: Türkiye'deyken ABD pasaportunun tasdikli kopyasını almak
Merhaba, konunun en uygun başlığı burası diye tahmin ediyorum. Oğlum sadece Amerikan vatandaşı ve Türkiye'de oturum işlemlerini tamamladık. İş değişikliğim dolayısı ile Slovenya'da oturum işlemlerine başvurmak üzere, kendisinin orijinal pasaportunu yada onaylı kopyasını talep ediyorlar. Orijinal pasaportu gönderemeyeceğimiz için, Türkiye'de Noterlerin TC pasaportlarına yaptığı Aslı gibidir belgesine ihtiyacımız var. Benim ve eşimin Türk pasaportu olduğu için noterden Aslı gibidir belgesi alıp buna Apostil işlemlerini gerçekleştirdik ancak Türkiye'deki noterler Yabancı pasaportlara aslı gibidir onayı veremiyorlar. Daha önce böyle bir belge almış olan var mıdır acaba? Bu soruyu ABD Konsolosluğuna da yöneltim ancak henüz yanıt alamadım. Şimdiden teşekkürler.
Maalesef ABD konsolosluklarinda apostil vurmuyorlar; o nedenle tahminimce en iyi yontem ABD Disisleri Bakanligina basvuru yaparak pasaportun "certified copy"sini almaniz olur, ayrica apostil de vurdurabilirsiniz... Bunun icin DS-4240 formunu doldurmaniz gerekiyor ve su adrese gondermeniz gerekiyor:
U.S. Department of State
Office of Law Enforcement Liaison
44132 Mercure Cir
P.O. Box 1227
Sterling, VA 20166
This page includes information on how to get copies of U.S. passport records.
The Privacy Act allows you to obtain copies of your records, your minor child, any person for whom you are a legal guardian, or any person who has authorized you to obtain them.
Full name at birth and any name changes of the individual whose records you are requesting, and if you are requesting records for your children or using an authorization, provide your full name as well. Evidence of legal authorization if you are requesting records about anyone other than yourself, evidence of the parental or guardian relationship if you are requesting records about your minor child(ren) or legal guardian; Date and place of birth of the individual whose records you are requesting; Your mailing address; Your daytime telephone number; Your e-mail address, if available; Date or estimated date of passport issuance; Passport number of the person whose records you are seeking, if known, and any other information that will help us locate the records; and A clear copy of both sides of your valid government-issued photo identification such as a driver's license.
Please send your request to:
U.S. Department of State
Office of Law Enforcement Liaison
44132 Mercure Cir
P.O. Box 1227
Sterling, VA 20166
The written request must include:Additional Requirements for Your Request
Must be signed and notarized or made under penalty of perjury pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1746. Use DS-4240, the Department’s Certification of Identity form, to provide proof of authorization if requesting records on someone else's behalf. Must be notarized or include a copy of your valid government-issued photo ID.Processing Times to Receive Copies of Passport Records
12 to 16 weeksFees
There are no fees to request a regular copy of your passport records, those of your minor children or any person whom you act as a guardian, or as an authorized representative. If you wish to obtain certified copies of these records, the certification fee is $50. If you plan to use these records in a country that is a party to the Hague Apostille Convention, you may obtain an apostilled copy for $8. Checks or money orders should be made payable to “U.S. Department of State.”